Saturday, 30 November 2013

Phonics fun, pizza pages and Song basket time !

I'm the Witch with my cauldron!
I'm making lots of silly soup, I'm making soup thats silly !
t-t-t-t teapot Mrs Beard .


Mrs Beard my silly soup is going to have p-p-p things in it !
pizza,pig,parrot,peas,pencil .

Come on Fred I'll help you, m-a-t Mat !!!
I read it Mrs Beard I did it ! I did it !

We love using our Fred Table in our outdoor area, to sound and blend . Look how brilliantly we use our clipboards from our mark making trolley.
We are beginning to write during our choosing time ! brilliant stuff !

Introducing Pizza Pages!....
when the children have a spare moment they can take a sound sheet from the fred table and work on their perfect pink letter formations. Once they have finished they put it in our pizza box and when its full ,Mrs Beard will pick one at random and give a prize.
The children have got to be in it, to win it !

The boys busied themselves during golden time on friday afternoon , the pizza box is well on its way to being full up of perfect pink work.
Mrs Beard I'm doing some brilliant pizza pages !

What a very busy week Mrs Beard's reception class have had, but it doesn't stop there.
The children are getting very confident using our Song Basket and often switch the microphone on ; choose props and lead their friends independently !
5 Little speckled frogs....

Evie used the pointer hand to show the boys ,on the bunting, which song was next.
Roll up Kayden...tonight Mrs Beard He'll be Dingle Dangle Scarecrow!

When all the cows were sleeping.........

Stars of the Week

This week (25th-29th November)
we say congratulations to
Orla and Nicole.

Orla for always givning 100% to every task she is faced with; and super work in RWI when Orla phonetically spelt Reindeer and Rainbow ! What a super star.
Nicole for working her socks off this week , specifically in RWI!. Nicole also encouraged her friends to work as hard as she does; and even congratulated them with a clap when they suceeded. What a super friend you are Nicole.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Launching -Big Talk in Reception

Big Talk images will be put on the blog on a Thursday(27th November) for the following Friday (6th December). The idea is to talk about what you can see happening in the picture.
Can you think of a sentence or two to describe what you can see?


Big Talk homework is directly linked to our Big Talk Café where reception and some year 5 and 6’s will gather to talk about the thought provoking photograph (over a drink and a snack). We know the positive effect talk homework has on children’s writing, and they are always full of ideas to be written on the blog by their buddy. As we know if children cannot talk in complex sentences with WOW! Words then they will not be able to write it down. We really believe talk is the basis of writing.

All we ask is that on a Thursday afternoon/ evening you sit down with your child and discuss their talk homework and post their ideas on our blog. This will ensure our Big Talk Café is brimming with chat and excellent ideas.

Happy Writing
Mrs Beard :-)

Monday, 25 November 2013

Star of the Week

This week we say congratulations to Lolita.
Lolita for showing great determination and consistent possitive attitude toward her learning. You are working your socks off well done !

Sunday, 24 November 2013

All Aboard The Polar Express !!

 We need to make it really colourful Mrs Beard not just one colour , Lots of colours !

Where will it take us Thomas ?

Tickets please!!! , I'm the conductor ... before you board I'll clip them... you will find out where we will go in an hour !!

 Brr it isnt half freezing ..... is it the North Pole Conductor Tom Tom ?

 Second leg of the journey Conductor Evie is taking over whilst Tom Tom has a hot chocolate break ! Ticket PLEASE !!!

Look at the iceberg , all that white snow ... no wonder I am really chilly ....Look at the penguins Tear!

I wonder where the polar express will take us Next Conductor Evie and Tom?

Mr Skinny legs

We love learning outdoors !

Even though its November and freezing cold we wrap up warm and explore our outdoor area.The children certainly enjoy finding creepy crawlies and giving them a name whilst making houses for them; ensuring they are comfortable too.

Mrs Beard loves listening to our stories we make up using our imaginations and the nature we chance upon.On friday a group of children found a very interesting creature.

 Our eight legged friend ( yes the children counted all by themselves) was to be called Mr Skinny Legs. The Children busied around him; making sure he was comfortable and had plenty of water to drink. The children collected leaves, twigs and stones to create a natural habitat for him.
Amber decided before dinner it would be a good idea to let him free
 " sometimes we have to say goodbye to friends but I'm sure we will see him again Mrs Beard ! "  

We celebrate these outdoor learning opportunities on our outdoor
' Awe and Wonder board'  

 The children use the camera independently to take photos for it ... we record captions in their own words. As always , g reat work reception ! Heres to another busy and fun filled week .
 Mrs Beard

22nd November 2013- Number Hunt shout out !

Numbers, numbers everywhere !

What a fabulous start to our Environmental 100 square grid project! The Children are really enthusiastic and ask for daily updates on our progress. I have even had reports of parents having to stop the car to take photos of numbers their child has spotted J

Number 5 in the sand ... I wonder if Olivia found five shell on the beach?

The weekend of number hunting started on a very chilly beach ! Olivia found lots of numbers out and about and even had a go at using her camera  independently ! What a superstar.

 Kayden spotted a number 4 when he was using cookie cutters in his playdough.

 Orla and her family were extremely busy over the weekend and even pulled the car over to capture number 30 " This is how fast we can go !"

 Look! Orla even found numbers on lamposts ! great number hunting Reception.
 We have begun to collate our number on our ‘Spotlight’  board. We are so proud of the photos taken/collected by the children. The learning opportunities that have arisen, so far are popular numbers, our largest numbers and even how fast our cars should go.

Using our splat square game reception have highlighted the numbers we have so far; can you help us on our final push to complete our environmental 100 square?

Printers seem never to work when we need them to , so to overcome this problem you can email your photos to with ‘FAO Mrs Beard’ in the subject box. The photos that have been emailed so far have been fantastic ; it also gives me the opportunity to crop and eventually will help with our digital version of the hundred square.
Many Thanks and Happy number hunting!
Mrs Beard J

November - Numbers,numbers everywhere!

Our Collaborative environmental 100 square.
As part of our collaborative partnership with New Leake,Reception and Year One are going on a Numner hunt,they're going to be big ones, we're not scared!
Mrs Crossland,New Leake's reception/Year 1 teacher, Mrs Hawkins our Year 1 Teacher and I are excited to get children and parents involved in creating an environmental 100 square grid. You can find numbers to photograph in your homes,at the supermarket or even the carpark; the opportunities are endless.
Mrs Beard has started the grid off with the numbers 2,10 and 11.... can you find better examples out and about?

Mrs Beard's little boy Lennox turned two in October Half term; family celebrations are a great opportuinity to explore numbers that have a personal meaning to the children . In reception the children love dicussing their number and even like to share how old their Mums and Dads are J

The children helped Mrs Beard to create a We are 4/We are 5 display ! The children often look at our birthday baloons and decide who will be 5 next.
Door numbers are a great way of hunting larger numbers; it also provides opportunities to talk about the pattern of numbers in your street. The children loved reading Hairy Maclary and looking out for each dogs house number... "look at bottomly pots number Mrs Beard! "

The children have discovered that everyones number plate has a number on it; on our number hunt we found Mrs Beard's Black car had an 11 . 

 With all children and parents involved we could have the environmental 100 displayed in our classroom on and on our blog in no time! Most importantly our children will be able to use it in their learnign and play,whilst understanding that maths really is everywhere.
Happy Number Hunting
Mrs Beard  J