Saturday, 18 January 2014

The mysterious appearence of the eggs and the debut of Witches fingers !

Reception had the oportunity to meet the Croods this week. Eep was very bored in her dank, dark cave so to cheer her up a group of children independently made a wonderful storytelling fire !
All week we snuggled by the fire at story time; whilst one of our friends chose a book to read.
Another 8 Picture books we can add to our 300 Picture Book Challenge
The Bear Snores on
Caveman Dave (The children almost know this by heart)
Winnie the Witches Magic Wand
Little Rabbit Foo Foo
Brown Bear Brown Bear
Hugless Douglas
Winnie the Witch and the dragon

1 comment:

  1. Hello, we really liked looking at your blog. We are a reception class as well and have just started blogging.

    How did you make your story telling fire? It was wonderful. :)

    I hope you can look at our blog as well at :

    Thank you

    Jellyfish class
